Sunday, November 24, 2013


For Effective Change: Follow-the-Leader

When I was a young boy growing up in a small farm town in western Pennsylvania, one of the games we used to play was Follow-the-Leader.  As we took turns at the helm, each boy would find himself enthralled in an exciting and adventurous journey through woods, old barns, and small waterways.  One never knew what was around the bend.  While playing both the leader and the follower were fun, the leader role carried a deeper level of anticipation.  Climbing trees and scaling bridges—while already enjoyable—was even more so knowing there were a handful of others exciting tracing your steps slightly unsure of where they would end up.
As an adult, the geography may be different but the game remains the same.  Follow-the-Leader continues in business, sports, and non-profit agencies.  Fortunately, I’ve had the opportunity to fill both roles again though the expectations inherent in leader and follow are much more complex than they were when we were children.  If leaders hope to be successful, they must be clear about their vision, passionate about the journey, vigilant of the leader-follower relationship, and lastly, they must produce results.   
In regard to the challenges facing today’s leaders, Brown (2011) said, “The globalization of markets, the downsizing of workforces, the flattening of hierarchies, the reengineering of work processes, and the spread of information technology are all part of a revolution in the way we do business.  These changes are happening at the same time and fast.”  In short, we need leaders.  With all the challenges, changes, and uncertainty of our times, it is the men and women with vision, passion, loyal followers, and results that will rise to the top and lead the changes necessary for success. 
Change does not happen accidentally; rather, it is initiated with a specific purpose and it requires leadership to function properly.  The first trait of a successful leader in a change initiative is vision.  In short, they must define reality.  Leaders reach their goals by identifying, shaping, and representing the shared ideas and values of their organization (Gini & Green, 2013).  As stated earlier from the childhood game, leaders must know where they are going.  As kids, we knew if a leader repeatedly required us to stop, turn around, and go back, then it wouldn’t be long before he was replaced.  Furthermore, his opportunities to lead became less and less. 
Ronald Reagan once said, “To grasp and hold a vision is the very essence of leadership.”  Warren Bennis, one of our world’s foremost leadership expert said, “All leaders have the capacity to create a compelling vision, one that takes people to a new place.”  Bennis looked at scores of leaders, and determined that none of them possess all of the characteristics of great leadership.  But every good leader, he found, has vision (Cohn & Moran, 2011).  Before a leader initiates a system-wide change, the leader helps the organization identify the difference between where it is and where it would like to be, and then proceeds to design and implement appropriate organizational development interventions (Brown, 2011).
Ben Stein has made a career acting and speaking with a passionate-less, monotone voice.  Undeniably humorous and witty, it is the antithesis of a passionate leader.  Though this example is extreme it hopes to make a point.  When leading a system-wide change initiative, leaders must be passionate about the prospect of a better future.  Great leaders are able to tap into the power of their deepest aspirations.  Passionate leaders demonstrate that they have put a lot of thought into their vision and are able to speak convincingly about the way in which the organizational mission and their personal passions are intertwined (Cohn & Moran, 2011).
If I may use the Follow-the-Leader example yet again: kids follow because they are excited about where the journey may lead them.  The leader is normally the one shouting with excitement, “Follow me!” and as they climb over and under a myriad of obstacles their passion never wanes.  The same holds true for adults.  Leaders will require great effort and sacrifice from followers and at times they will have to climb over, under, and around some hurdles as they implement new and innovative change strategies.  If the leader doubts the way or loses enthusiasm for the journey, the followers will follow suit and eventually the change effort will stall.  Leaders demonstrate passion because they believe.  When vision combines with passion, leaders are born.  However, as John Maxwell said in Failing Forward, “He who thinks he leads, but has no followers, is only taking a walk.”  That leads me to my next leadership characteristic: the importance of the leader-follower relationship.
Brown (2011) said, “The implementation of a large-scale change program is almost impossible without the investment of all levels and elements of the organization” (p. 90).  He goes on to add that the collaborative relationship between internal and external practitioners (or leaders and followers) provides an integration of abilities, skills, and resources.  It embodies such qualities as trust, respect, confrontation, and collaboration.  In coaching the 2008 USA Olympic Basketball team to a gold medal, Coach Krzyzewski said, “Leadership boils down to strong relationships.  Before I can be an effective leader, I have to know the players, they have to know me, and we have to know and trust each other” (Cohn & Moran, 2011).  
Fortunately, Coach K won the gold medal.  Four years earlier with many of the same players, the USA team lost in Athens to Puerto Rico and a week later lost again to Lithuania.  If that wasn’t bad enough, they finally lost to Argentina and settled for a bronze medal finish.  Players, coaches, and fans were humiliated.  The NBA was embarrassed on the world’s stage.  Leaders need vision, passion, and a great relationship with their followers.  However, at the end of the day, it all comes down to results.  Without success, as the 2004 Olympic Basketball team and the band of children following their leader discovered, all the vision, passion, and camaraderie matters little. 
The final trait that warps around the other three and holds them together is success, results, and positive transformations.  As Gini & Green (2013) said, “All forms of leadership are about transformation.  Leadership is not about maintaining the status quo; it is about initiating change in an organization” (p. 7).  Change is always difficult.  It requires strong leaders with deep perseverance to continue moving forward when times are challenging.  Leaders are defined by their results.  If people and processes remain the same after the leader moves on, it begs the question “Did the leader lead?”  Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked: leadership is defined by results, not by attributes” (Gini & Green, 2013). 
Leadership is not for the faint-of-heart.  It is difficult, challenging, and can be exhaustively frustrating.  However, no matter the toil, when a person believes in a better way and has the desire to bring it to life, they suddenly find themselves connected with others and generating collaborative enthusiasm.  Before long, there is a movement, a change initiative that inspires hope for a better organization and a better life.  At the end of our days our life is often measured by results and the question we all ask: “Did I make a difference?”  Passionate leaders with a vision for a better tomorrow joining forces with other like-minded people can count on producing long-lasting results.  Whether the change is organizational or personal, it’s the leader in all of us that shouts, “Follow me!” as we journey toward a better tomorrow.


Brown, D.R. (2011). Organization development. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Education, Inc.
Cohn, J., & Moran, J. (2011). Why are we bad at picking good leaders? San Francisco,
CA: Jossey-Bass.
Gini, A., & Green, R.M. (2013). 10 virtues of outstanding leaders. Malden, MA: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Maxwell, J. (2000). Failing forward. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, Inc.

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