Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Money Isn't Everything

In Arc of Ambition, Champy & Nohria (2000) said, “People who reach exceptional heights may differ from each other, but one thing they all share is a clear goal born of some organizing purpose that summons their talents, aims their efforts, and steers them in the right direction.  A compelling purpose is the ambitious person’s true north, keeping him or her on course” (p. 115).  In short, “the need for meaning drives achievement.”

In a private meeting, Pierre Hessler demonstrated what it means to be a coach, a mentor, and a leader, when he told Andy Mulholland to be careful about making decisions solely for money.  He challenged him to consider three other motivators when moving forward into one’s destiny and purpose.  Sometimes it takes another person to shake us loose from the allure of money.  Caught by the windfall and an imagination run amok, we can easily find ourselves shaking hands and agreeing for a larger piece of the pie only to find later that we’ve sold our souls for a higher salary.  Mulholland’s three motivators are grounding and help provide a perspective to minimize future regret.

First, Mulholland proclaimed that we should, “Do interesting work.”  Whetten & Cameron (2011) identified “What motivates workers?” and found, “While research results highlight differences in what organizational members tend to see as highly motivating aspects of their work, on average, employees placed the highest value on “interesting work” (p. 346).  This scored higher than job security, good wages, and even good working conditions.

Secondly, Mulholland identified, “To expand skill set.”  Growth is a natural by-product of a successful venture.  If something is alive, it grows.  If it isn’t, it dies; and sometimes, slowly and painfully.  Mulholland’s point on “expanding skills” ties into the growth potential of individuals.  Stagnancy and complacency drain the life out of a person’s purpose.  When companies provide opportunities for employees to grow and expand their abilities, they receive an inherent benefit that is much more rewarding than a scheduled paycheck.  Growth is life.  When leaders stretch and enhance a follower’s skill set, they connect to the inner drive and motivation in a way that money can’t.

Lastly, Mulholland identified the most important aspect of motivation, “To be recognized and valued.”  Recognition and affirmation are powerful motivating tools when used authentically and correctly.  I realized the positive and negative effects of affirmation versus pay when I was studying for promotion in the Air Force.  Regardless of the number of “weighted” factors that were involved in the promotion system, if one did not study the material, they would fail to get promoted.  Therefore, I studied diligently for 2-3 hours each day over a period of six months. 

Hoping to motivate me, my wife calculated the pay increase if I got promoted.  Knowing there would be early mornings and long nights; she identified the financial increase and posted it on my desk as a motivator.  However, regardless of the pay increase, when I would get tired and dreary from the long hours of studying, the potential pay increase did not shake me from my slumber.  Rather, what worked without fail was an exercise I conducted in my imagination.

When an individual is promoted, the squadron senior leaders (to include the commander) file into the promotee’s office and congratulate him or her while handing them their new stripe.  The other “non-promotees” are bypassed and ignored with a “better luck next year” pat-on-the-back.  I was one of the non-promotee and the sting of the failure was greater than the joy of promotion.  When I would get tired and distracted from studying, I would remember the feeling of being “bypassed” and the accompanying pain of defeat.  That “office” moment motivated me much more than a few hundred dollars a month.

In True North, Bill George (2007) said, “Many leaders turn down higher-paying jobs early in their career decisions in order to pursue roles they would enjoy.  They came out ahead in the end—in both satisfaction and compensation—because they were successful in doing what they loved” (p. 110). 

My personal motivations include Mulholland’s three key elements of interesting work, professional growth, and making a valuable contribution.  In addition to those, I am also motivated by personal growth, helping others develop, and being true to my beliefs. 

Mulholland highlighted the importance of expanding one’s skills and the external and intrinsic rewards that accompany professional growth.  In a similar fashion, I am motivated by a deep desire for personal growth.  There is no better time in the history of the world to be a leader than today.  My daily decisions are designed to strengthen my integrity, fortify my character, and enrich my gratitude.  Rather than leave these qualities to chance, I intentionally pursue opportunities that will enhance my personal development as a husband, father, and leader.

The best avenue to develop these attributes is by “helping others grow.”  By focusing on other people and facilitating their personal development, everyone becomes stronger.  Witnessing follower’s growth and development motivates me to be even better.  By pouring my life into others, I realize that my legacy will outlive me.  With half of my life behind me, I find great fulfillment in knowing that today’s investment into other people will still be making a difference long after I am gone.

And lastly, the most important motivating factor for me is to be true to my beliefs.  Without core convictions and a foundation of faith, I am nothing more than a few catch phrases surrounding the power of positive thinking.  By living according to principles greater than me, I am able to avoid destructive pride and selfish motivations.  Holding fast to my faith and a belief in servant leadership, forgiveness, love, and mercy, I will demonstrate that money, power, and success is not the pinnacle of a life well lived.  Rather, by living according to my beliefs and caring more about others than my own comfort, I hope I encourage others to do the same.  I’ve found that modeling behavior is much more inspiring than mere demands or instructions.

Finally, to quote Bill George again, “Discovering your True North takes a lifetime of commitment and learning.  Each day, as you are tested in the world, you yearn to look at yourself in the mirror and respect the person you see and the life you have chosen to lead.  Some days will be better than others, but as long as you are true to who you are, you can cope with the most difficult circumstances that life presents” (p. xxiii).

My True North is a great combination of Mulholland’s interesting work, professional growth, and lasting value integrated with my personal development, an authentic care for others, and a foundation of faith and principles.   



Champy, J., & Nohria, N. (2000). The arc of ambition. Cambridge, MA: Basic Books.
George, B. (2007). True north. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Whetten, D.A., & Cameron, K.S. (2011). Developing management skills. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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