Sunday, January 19, 2014


Self-Awareness: Five Core Aspects and the Path to Great Leadership

Sir Isaac Newton’s Law of Motion states, “Things that are still stay still and things that are moving keep moving with a steady speed unless a force of some kind pushes or pulls on them” (Woodford, 2013).  Too many people are paralyzed to pursue their purpose for fear of making the wrong choice.  Unsure of the details and afraid of ending-up at a place not of their choosing, they ask me, “What if I am wrong?”  To use Newton’s insight I often tell them, get moving towards your dreams and make course corrections along the way.  It’s easier to change directions than to initiate movement from a static position.
I began to feel the call to pursue additional education in the fall of 2011.  I considered a doctoral program; however, in the end, based on costs and time requirements, I enrolled in the M.S. in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM).  One of the reasons for pursuing this curriculum was it would provide me with more marketability in my current profession.  Obtaining an M.S. in SCM along with an MBA achieved in 2004 would provide me the resume punch needed should I my current contractual position be eliminated.  And then something began to change.
It’s no surprise that graduate work takes an incredible amount of energy, time, and discipline.  Halfway through my fourth class I began to lose steam and felt I made a mistake in pursuing another degree.  Part of me loved the learning but another part was searching for the passion necessary to call up the discipline needed for late nights and long hours.  Then, while leading a men’s group on a Saturday morning, my dilemma was addressed.  As I was speaking to the men about faith, I stated, “We often make decisions out of fear, e.g., fear of failure or fear of losing our security.”  And then, a small voice inside me said, “That’s what you did.”  Literally, as I was speaking to the men, I felt addressed that I had fallen prey to the very same thing I was warning them against.  After men's group, I pulled my son-in-law aside and told him what had happened.  I was conflicted, uncertain, and yet humbled by the moment. 
It was less than a week when I realized, yes, I was driven and called to go back to school; however, I chose the SCM program out of fear.  I thought, “If I lose my job, firms will have to hire me with these credentials.”  At the same time, I looked at the Embry-Riddle site and noticed they just initiated a Leadership curriculum.  The moment I saw it my heart came alive!  The more I read about it, the more excited I became.  After speaking to my wife about changing majors, I called my employer and the university and “changed course.”  Two of the four classes transferred and now I am two classes form completing this curriculum.  Throughout the program, my family has commented on the light in my countenance and the love I express for the material.  They contrast the two programs and can easily discern that I made the right choice.
I share that story to show that the level of my self-awareness began before taking my first class in the MSLD program and has deepened ever since.  From my first MSLD class Organizational Leadership; I knew I was on a journey unlike any I’ve ever pursued.  Each course has challenged me to evaluate my self-identity and motivations.  They have encouraged me to look at my past and its affect on my present decisions.  Interestingly, from the outset, many would think this curriculum is about “looking outwardly” and leading others.  And while that is true, I believe it is trumped by the leadership axiom, “The first person you should lead is yourself.”  In the light of that perspective, this program recognizes that we can only take people as far as we’re willing to go ourselves.  The deeper we are willing to look inside of ourselves, the further we can look to lead others.  
In Building Below The Waterline, Gordon MacDonald (2011) referenced “having a keen self-knowledge” as one of the traits of a leader.  He said, “If we don’t know ourselves and what shaped us, what neutralizes us, and what our limits are, we invite disaster.  Many men and women in leadership positions are insecure.  Some struggle with large unresolved areas from the past.  Unless the past can be resolved, it often becomes an Achilles’ heel in leadership” (p. 7).  The five core aspects of self-awareness are the primary principles expressed through every course of this curriculum.  Decision-making, teamwork, ethics, and change are woven throughout these qualities.  They highlight and define us individually and lead and guide us collectively. 
Over the next few minutes, I’d like to provide a short summary of each aspect; its meaning, and how it has been strengthened in my life as a result of this curriculum.
Emotional Intelligence
On June 5th, 2011 I purchased Daniel Goleman’s groundbreaking book Emotional Intelligence.  It provided me with countless insights and strengthened my resolve to improve my relationships and influence.  Goleman (1995) said, “Handling emotions in someone else—the fine art of relationships—requires the ripeness of two other emotional skills, self-management and empathy.  These social abilities allow one to shape an encounter, to mobilize and inspire others, to thrive in intimate relationships, to persuade and to influence, and to put others at ease” (p. 113). 
Without the slightest doubt, my emotional intelligence has matured and developed.  Goleman breaks his emotional intelligence into four quadrants: Self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.  Each of these quadrants has been thoroughly strengthened by the MSLD course material and discussions.  For starters, it has encouraged me hold my tongue and listen intently to what people are saying rather than seek to solve problems with my first opinion or suggestion.  And, it goes without saying that one of the greatest leadership traits lacking in so many leader is the art of listening.
                          Personal Values
Whetten & Cameron (2011) said, “Becoming more mature in values development requires that individuals develop a set of internalized principles by which they can govern their behavior” (p. 72).  Much of the disappointment we see in our leaders today is a result of values infractions.  Bad decisions made from a good heart are much more palatable than good decisions made from a bad heart. 
The MSLD program has taught me three significant keys in living and leading from my values.  First, write them down.  We have an inherent value system that guides our decisions on a daily basis; however, writing them down and looking at them further solidify their importance in one’s identity.  Secondly, understand how your values may conflict with other people’s value systems.  Education is a great path to diversity and acceptance.  While we can disagree about our beliefs, we do not need to be disagreeable and judgmental.  And lastly, every profession, whether corporate or non-profit, requires leaders to stand upon principle and core values.  This curriculum has continued to enforce the importance of upholding the values of honesty, integrity, transparency, humility, compassion, and courage.  Gini & Green (2013) said, “The moral quality of leadership is summed up in the understanding that real leaders are ethical and possess both virtue and character” (p. 9).
Cognitive Style
Whetten & Cameron (2011) define cognitive style as, “the inclination each of us has to perceive, interpret, and respond to information in a certain way” (p. 74).  Each of us view the world—both input and output—through a series of frames; references built from our personal experiences, education, and expectations.  These frames help us evaluate and interpret and respond accordingly (as defined above).  While they help us organize information they can also act as an inhibitor.  Our frames can cause us to misinterpret, judge wrongly, and miss potential benefits.  The MSLD curriculum—along with my daily devotions and faith—continue to enrich my ability to “see life from another’s perspective.”
People unconsciously process millions of bits of data all day long.  The MSLD path has encouraged me to operate with a greater intentionality on the three learning styles: knowing, planning, and creating.  Though we all vary in each of these, as leaders, we will be called upon to operate within each realm.  Awareness and adaptability of these traits has improved not only the decisions I make, but also how and why I make them.
Orientation Toward Change
In Change or Die, Alan Deutschman (2007) said, “Change is a paradoxical process, and trying to change your own life means opening yourself up to new ideas and practices that may seem illogical or even insane to you, at least until you’ve experienced them for long enough to develop a new understanding” (p. 151).  There is no avoiding it or ignoring it.  One rarely fully understands it or appreciates it.  But, like no other element in leadership—change—with all its troubles and opportunities, our personal approach to it can make or break our ability to lead others.  Whetten & Cameron segment change orientations into two dimensions: tolerance for ambiguity and locus of control.  Both have shown me my strengths and inclinations.  Throughout this curriculum, I’ve been forced to manage both aspects whether in school, at work, with my family, or in ministry.  Approaching ambiguity with a better sense of confidence and operating as a strong “internal” has allowed me to learn from each situation and make the best decision going forward.
Core Self-Evaluation
Whetten & Cameron (2011) define core self-evaluation as “the fundamental evaluation each person has developed about himself or herself” (p. 80).  The past two years have made me more confident and courageous.  It has strengthened my resolve to help others and to lead with compassion and energy.  With only two courses left before graduation, I can clearly demonstrate a greater ability to promote teamwork, cast vision, articulate goals, and lead by example.  I am a better leader today than before beginning on this journey.  Not because I know more but because I have become more.  As Whetten & Cameron (2011) clearly articulated, “People with high core self-evaluation scores have also been found to have higher levels of life satisfaction and personal happiness and lower levels of personal stress” (p. 81).
One of my favorite leadership books is The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes & Posner.  They (2007) said, “Leaders must keep hope alive, even in the most difficult of times.  Without hope there can be no courage—and this is not the time or place for the timid.  This is the time and place for optimism, imagination, and enthusiasm” (p. 349).   The five core aspects of self-awareness continue to refine my ability to lead with courage.  There is no better time in history to be a leader than today.  And rather than pursuing the masses and standing on stage to lead thousands, it is just as important and effective to lead one at a time.  One person can make a difference.  And, the beautiful thing about that strategy is everyone knows at least one person.


Deutschman, A. (2007). Change or die. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers.
Gini, A., & Green, R.M. (2013). 10 virtues of outstanding leaders. Malden, MA: John
Wiley & Sons.
Goleman, D. (1994). Emotional intelligence. New York, NY: Bantam Dell.
Kouzes, J.M., & Posner, B.Z. (2007). The leadership challenge. San Francisco, CA: John
Wiley & Sons.
MacDonald, G. (2011). Building below the waterline. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson
Publishers Marketing.
Whetten, D.A., & Cameron, K.S. (2011). Developing management skills. Upper Saddle
            River, NJ: Pearson.
Woodford, C. (2013). Motion. Retrieved from

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